Thursday, March 26, 2020

sour grapes

मूर्खानाम् पण्डिताः द्वेष्या अधनानां महाधनाः।
वराङ्गना कुलस्त्रीणां सुलभानां च दुर्लभाः॥
mūrkhānām paṇḍitāḥ dveṣyā adhanānām mahādhanāḥ|
varāṅganā kulastrīṇām sulabhānām ca durlabhāḥ||
Learned scholars are usually the enemies of uneducated brutes.
Affluent people will find no love in the poor ones
A supremely attractive woman would have only enemies among the other ladies in the clan..
Easily available things and objects are just antitheses for the rare gems..

The enmity can be because of jealousy, because of apprehension that the endowed person would pose a threat to the less fortunate one or even because the gifted person shows off and even humiliates the lesser one..
But the divide between the haves and have nots is a burning truth.. and this has been underlined by the great scholar Chanakya..

We can always find that when a person with some knowledge which is acquired with a lot of toil and perseverance just tries to teach or apply such knowledge, those who have been lazy and uneducated create all sorts of roadblocks, for some reason or other.. Some may pay respect when the learned person is present but invariably he is heckled behind the back.. Socrates was forced to drink hemlock the poison and die just because he was learned and others around him did not like him for that reason.. The learned man would be somewhat sensible and many others could never thrive with their devious ways if such men with knowledge are allowed to operate.. So the learned persons face nemesis at the hands of brutes.

The hatred between classes with money and without money has been a part of human existence over millenniums. It is possible that the affluent ones came by the wealt by unfair means and they exploited the lesser endowed. but the divide is a stark reality..
Many revolutions, many ideologies, many schools of thought, many warring groups took shape and operated because of the divied between the rich a poor.. The enmity is a fact

God is an impish despot.. He creates so many ladies, who are all conscious of their physical appearance and attractiveness. But He created only very few of that species, who are really beautiful .. Others among them are irritated, disturbed, and perhaps feel rather cheated by God and they develop a sort of hatred for the beautiful ones.. That is understandable, but that is a fact too..

A thing, a service, a person, that is available right on call does not get the same respect as similar things which could be obtained only after a lot of request, persuasion, toil, or spending.. So the conflict between the easily available and the rare ones too is an understandable fact of life.

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