Thursday, March 12, 2020

temptation can be great..

यथा ह्यनास्वादयितुं न शक्यं जिह्वातलस्थं मधु वा विषं वा।
अर्थस्तथा ह्यर्थचरेण राज्ञः स्वल्पोऽप्यनास्वादयितुं न शक्यः॥
अर्थाशास्त्रे २-१०-३६
yathā hyanāsvādayituṁ na śakyaṁ jihvātalasthaṁ madhu vā viṣaṁ vā|
arthastathā hyarthacareṇa rājñaḥ svalpo'pyanāsvādayituṁ na śakyaḥ||
arthāśāstre 2-10-36

The master economist and statesman Chanakya, in his magnum opus, Arthashastram says

"Just as it is impossible for a person not to taste even a littl of either honey or venom placed at the tip of his tongue, it is practically impossible for a tax collector or resource mobilizer appointed by the King or the State not to have some taste of or to take some benefit from the money or revenue he collects..
The master statesman was a stickler to honesty and integrity in public service.. He lived an ascetic life without any pomp even when he headed a great educational institution and even when he officiated as the official advisor of the Emperor Chandragupta Maurya..
But he was conscious of human nature as that could be seen in an average state officer or tax collector..

Of course, such tasting on the part of the officialdom will work to the detriment of the Exchequer.. And once the official starts tasting it.. his desire to taste more is on the increase.. And like old wine his tastes too become more and more varied and costly..

But then the king, or the State has to take sufficient safeguards..


यथा just like
जिह्वातलस्थं placed or sticking to the tip of the tongue
मधु वा विषं वा honey or poison
अनास्वादयितुं not to taste
न शक्यं, not possible
तथा in the same way
राज्ञः अर्थचरेण by the king'sor the state's, revenue collector or resource mobilizer
स्वल्पः अपि अर्थः at least a little money or wealth
अनास्वाधयितुं न शक्यः. impossible not to taste.

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