Friday, July 02, 2021

Who are we to try to clamp control over Krishna's plans?

Do you really believe that a person will be able to end his life, even under the greatest turmoil?

 I tried to ask this question to myself on seeing a message and a video shared by a friend. 

With the video, there was message to the effect that life is precious and one should not give up even if the odds are heavily loaded against him.

The message is nice, I do not deny its validity and utility too
 and the love for fellow human beings appended to it  just like a huge mountain of honey and sugar.

We have to bow in utter humility and affection before that nice and noble  heart.

But no one can ever end his life unless the Maker, the big He, permits. 

If you put your hands on a live electric wire, there will be power failure at that moment if you are not destined to die.

And He knows how many minutes and seconds each of his creations should live.  Live either in happiness or in agony.

Who are we to try to clamp control over Krishna's plans?

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