Friday, June 30, 2023

राकाचन्द्रसमानकान्तिवदना नाकाधिराजस्तुता

राकाचन्द्रसमानकान्तिवदना नाकाधिराजस्तुता।
मूकानामपि कुर्वती सुरधुनी नीकाशवाग्वैभवम्।
श्रीकाञ्चीनगरीविहाररसिका शोकापहन्त्री सतां
एका पुण्यपरंपरा पशुपतेराकारिणी राजते॥

rākācandrasamānakāntivadanā nākādirājastutā|
mūkānāmapi kurvatī suradhunī nīkāśavāgvaibhavam|
śrīkāñcīnagarīvihārarasikā śokāpahantrī satāḥ
ekā puṇyaparaṁparā paśupaterākāriṇī rājate||

രാകാചന്ദ്രസമാനകാന്തിവദനാ നാകാധിരാജസ്തുതാ।
മൂകാനാമപി കുര്‍വതീ സുരധുനീ നീകാശവാഗ്വൈഭവം।
ശ്രീകാഞ്ചീനഗരീവിഹാരരസികാ ശോകാപഹന്ത്രീ സതാം
ഏകാ പുണ്യപരംപരാ പശുപതേരാകാരിണീ രാജതേ॥

The supreme lordess of the household of Pashupati, the Shiva

The heavenly damsel who has a beautiful face resembling the moon on a paurnami day
That mother beyond all description who is ever praised by the supreme Lord of Heaven, Indra Himself

The affectionate mother who has converted even dumb guiless human beings into speakers with sweet and dexterous voice resembling the great musical insturments and musical notes of heaven

The Divine mother who ever loves to be present and stay comfortably in the glorious city of Kanchi

The ever merciful mother who removes all the sorrows of people who are good at heart

That glorious lady who is the quintessance of all the virtuous deeds or Punyas Is shining forth protecting us in Her Royal Splendour

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