Friday, June 30, 2023

त्वयैव जगदंबया

त्वयैव जगदंबया भुवनमण्डलं सूयते त्वयैव करुणार्द्रया तदपि रक्षणं नीयते।त्वयैव खरकोपया नयनपावके हूयते वयैव किल नित्यया जगति सन्ततं स्थीयते॥मूकपञ्चाशत्यां
tvayaiva jagadaṁbayā bhuvanamaṇḍalaṁ sūyate tvayaiva karuṇārdrayā tadapi rakṣaṇaṁ nīyate|
tvayaiva kharakopayā nayanapāvake hūyate vayaiva kila nityayā jagati santataṁ sthīyate||
My lovely mother Kamaskshi,
This globe of earth has been given birth by your merciful grace who indeed is the mother of the whole univers
This whole earth with its entire occupants is provided protection and given lead for for movement ahead by your eminent Grace in your limitless mercy
The same orb of earth with all things within and without could be burned to ashes in a split second if the sparks of fire of destruction emanate from your if you develop solid anger
Mother, it is you the eternal one, the ever loving mother, who is just keeping alive, safe and happy all of us existing on this earth
Pranams to the mother.. the eternal source of mercy happiness and wefare
Sree maatre namaH.

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