Tuesday, June 27, 2023

musings 138

While starting his commentary on taittariya upanishad, as also in some other places Shankara expresses the view that gods always put fetters in the path of persons pursuing higher knowledge.
His reasoning is that the normal human being who lives on with matter of fact allegiance to rituals and performances are entirely servile to gods more or less like domestic cattle.
Maybe each set of humans flock around some chosen god expecting his sponsorship and protection.
In return the men make offerings like oblations and homams and thus the comfortable existence with adequate supply is ensured for the Gods.
But when people start questioning the basics and pursue and seek truth, they would discover that servility to gods and abject obedience to them could provide only limited returns..
Only Brahma jnaanam which can lead to emancipation and escape from the results of Karmas and attaining Moksham would appeal to a man if he is somewhat learned..
And this realization in turn would cause severe loss to devas or gods because they would lose some of their blind followers just as a farm owner losing his cattle..
And no sensible farm owner, nor any god would be happy about losing their flock .
So they will take all precautions and play every trick to avoid loss of their followers..
And even in spiritual Sadhana, the seeker encounters many impediments..
It would appear that even the supreme brahma is willing to reveal itself only to the best, the most sincere and steadfast among the seekers..

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