Monday, June 26, 2023

Significance of Guru.. Vedarambham.. Nitya karmam.. Brahmin Rituals. upakarma

Significance of Guru.. Vedarambham.. Nitya karmam.. Brahmin Rituals. upakarma 
लक्ष्मीनाथ समारम्भां नाथयामुन मध्यमां ।।
अस्मदाचार्य पर्यन्तां बन्दे गुरुपरंपरां ।।
Lakshmeenaatha samarambhaam naathayaamuna madhyamaam asmadaachaarya paryantaam vande guruparamparaam
for Vaishnava Parampara..

सदाशिव समारंभाम् शङ्कराचार्य मध्यमाम्।
अस्मदाचार्यपर्यन्ताम् वन्दे गुरुपरंपराम्॥
sadaashiva samaarambhaam shankaraachaaryam madhyamaam asmadaachaarya paryantaam vande guruparamparaam
is the Smartha Shaiva parampara..

The first stanza of first of the Vedas.. rigvedam.. calls agni as purohita and offers pranams to him.. Puro Hita... is the one who leads us from the front, and whom we just follow.. it is none other than the Guru.. Agnimeeley Purohitam..
Why, whenever we sit to chant a mantram,in fact just before that, we place our fingers on the head mentioning the rishi.. what is it.?.
We are paying respect to the guru.who was the drashta of the mantram and gave it to us...
we place the guru in a place as high as possible..
We offer pranams to Krishna, and all the dwijas before starting the gayatri upasana..
Namo Brahmnaya... नमो ब्रह्मण्य देवाय गो ब्राह्मण हिताय च जगद्दिताय कृष्णाय गोविन्दाय नमो नमः Aabrahmalokaat... आ ब्रह्मलोकादाषेशाद् आलोका लोक पर्वतात् ये वसन्ति द्विजा देवा तेभ्यो नित्यं नमो नमः
Maybe such actions have become so common that their significance is lost on us..
Guru is the first and foremost in our lives at every stage..
We perform the Vedavyasa pooja and Kandarshi tarpanam on Upakarma..
Every Brahmayjanam is an offering to the Vedas, upanishads, Kandarishis, Itihasam Puranam, Kalpam... the list is long..
We do not celebrated Guru Purnima only because it appears to be in the realm of yatis.. a prelude to chaturmasyam..

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