Friday, July 07, 2023

पिपीलिकार्जितं धान्यं मक्षिका सञ्चितं मधु

पिपीलिकार्जितं धान्यं मक्षिका सञ्चितं मधु।
लुब्धेन सञ्चितं द्रव्यं समूलं हि विनश्यति॥
pipīlikārjitaṁ dhānyaṁ makṣikā sañcitaṁ madhu|
lubdhena sañcitaṁ dravyaṁ samūlaṁ hi vinaśyati||
the grains hoarded with great care and labour by ants
the honey collected through the incessant toil of the bees
the money hoarded with utmost care and selfishness by the miser
all get ruined.. get ruined from the roots..
It is a funny, at the same time, very sad truth..
Often things are kept apart for future use, even through denying some sort of enjoyment for the present.. but the savings or hoardings kept apart are snatched away from us.. and we have to remain mute witnesses to the vagaries of fate..
The ants toil all their lives collecting some pieces of food for a rainy day.. They keep the hoarded grains in the holes specially designed by them.. But come the rainy day, the waters in torrents enters the hole and submerges the entire hole, consuming often the food and the ants themselves..
With unrelenting industry, the honey bees collect honey in tiny quantities from tinier flowers.. fill the cells of thier combs with this honey, and keep the clusted of combs high at treetop.. They drone around keeping watch, they descend upon any possible intruders..
But come a boar, or a man with a lighed fire, the bees are driven away, and the honey is taken away,, and consumed by the man or the animal..
The stingy fellow just keeps his stomach filled with air in place of food, and hoard his coins and notes.. Finally he departs and some busybody just snatches away the money and makes merry..
History repeats.. but things go on like that..

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