Wednesday, July 05, 2023

A silent revolution indeed . A revolution in silence

A silent revolution indeed . A revolution in silence
चित्रं वटतरोर्मूले वृद्धशिष्याः गुरुर्युवा।
गुरोस्तु मौनं व्याख्यानं शिष्यास्तु च्छिन्नसम्शयाः॥
citraṁ vaṭatarormūle vṛddhaśiṣyāḥ gururyuvā|
gurostu maunaṁ vyākhyānaṁ śiṣyāstu cchinnasamśayāḥ||
The young Dakshnaamurthi, the incarnation of Shiva is sitting under a peepul tree in absolute silence with chinmudra on his right hand . The disciples sitting around him are all old and wizened rishis. The guru just indicates the mudra and the clouded minds of the disciples are cured of all doubts.
In silence He speaks.. Silence is His speech, explanation and gloss and commentary too. Yes, words can convey very little.. but silence is having a limitless spectral band. Silence can speak endlessly.
The wizened old disciples are physically aged.. Aged In time knowledge and experience too. But the Lord is ageless, without beginning or end. A fellow who does not have a beginning is ever young.
The old disciples, Sanatjumaras etc had their minds mired in doubts when they presented themselves before the Lord in utter silence. The silence continues. The doubts get cleared in that silence. Darkness is shattered. anihilated The enlightened old and aged disciples bask in the shine if knowledge.
But the agelessly young Lord Dakshinamoothy remains young and bright for ever.

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