Sunday, July 30, 2023

empty but ornamental and flowery

I find that using high sounding but empty words and phrases,
be it in any language, that attracts lots and lots of likes..
especially from people who are neither ignorant nor as learned as they think they are ..comes so natural to many including me..
It is mainly because such words and posts look elegant on surface, and the readers who assume themselves as connoisseurs mark " like"s and shower accolades without even knowing what is being conveyed..
It is a sad reflection on the one who posts as also the reader..
But it is a fact of life..
In retrospect, I have been doing exactly that..
I confess I want to be more fair to myself and to others too..
But the propensity to use ornate words and present obscure ideas persist with me, force my mind and fingers to churn out such nasty output..
When will I learn to be natural.. and simple?
To be natural is to be simple .
Is it a defect unique to me, or is it present in others too?
I wonder, but I do not know..

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