Monday, July 31, 2023

The story of Shivas Bow..

The story of Shivas Bow..
In chapter 66 of Balakandam of Valmiki Ramayanam, we find Sage Vishvamitra accompanied by the princes Rama and Lakshmana is reaching the yajna ground, where King Janaka is conducting a Sacrifice.. The story of the great bow of Shiva and the birth of Sita.. unfurls here..
In Valmikis words...
Sage Visvamitra had reached Mithila accompanied by the young princes Rama and Lakshmana.
They are received with honours by the king Janaka Himself.
Janaka is in the process of conducting a yajna and therefore, after providing suitable accommodation and comforts to the great sage and the two princes,
Janaka requested them to visit the Yajna Bhoom the next morning.
Accordingly early next morning, the king conducted the sage and the princes to the hallowed land where his yajna was in progress.
Affer offering the honours befitting the exalted status of the guests, Janaka enquired Vishvamitra as to what service Janaka could render to the sage and the princes..
Visvamitra replied.
" Oh King, these two youngsters are the sons of Emperor Dasharatha.
They are famous all over the world.
They are accomplised experts in the art of archery and as you know, they are known as Rama and Lakshmana. .
They would love to see the great bow of Shiva (thryambaka bow) which is in your possession.
I would suggest that you send for that bow and show it to these boys..
I am sure that such a gesture would bring you everlasting benefits and welfare.
.(The Sage was foreseeing the great and happy marriage which was to happen soon)"
On hearing this Janaka narrated the history of the bow to the sage and the two princes..
"There was a king by name Devarata, sixth in line to King Nimi ( all of the Vidheha lineage.. to which Janaka belonged). Lord Shiva Himself had handed over the bow to that king for safe custody.
Lord Shiva, after having been insulted during the yajna conducted by his father in law, Dakshaprajapathy, disrupted the ritual and terminated it abruptly..
He was enraged at the devas who participated in and supported the yanja and took out a bow and declared.
." You gods...devas, you partook in the yajna in which I was not offered my reverential dues..or havirbhagam. I am going to cut off the heads of all off you.. "
Saying this, he trained his bows and arrows at the Devas..
However the Devas praised the Lord in glorious terms, fulling knowing that even though he was angry, he was merciful and would calm down soon..
The Lord who is Aashuthosha, did calm down, and instead of sending the arrows, He handed over the bow itself to the Devas..
And the gods in turn handed over the bow to king Devarata, and our family is keeping that bow safe and in great reverence from then onwards.."
Janaka continues his narrative..
" Subsequently, when I was ploughing the land for a yajna, a cute girl arose from the recesser of the earth and stuck to the tip of the plough.
I named her Sita.( The channels of soil made on the arable land by the movement of plough are called Sita..)
The girl, who is mother Lakshmi herself having come to me as daughter although not born in the womb of a mother (ayonija) grew up in my home and is at present a beautiful damself of marriageable age..
As I was aware of the greatness of her exalted origin, I decided that I should give her in marriage only to a youngster who really proved his valour..
This beautiful girl, born to earth, was being sought after in marriage by all the kings and noble men around.
But whenever someone sought her hand, I informed them that she could be given in marriage only as a prize to genuine and proven valour.
On learning that, the kings around made beeline to Mithila and enquired as to what was the test for such valour..
And to test the strenght and valour of the suitors, the bow of Shiva was kept in the open and the prospective suritors were asked to handle the bow..
None of the suitors could even lift the bow from the earth and to hold it ready for tying the string..
The kings and suitors who had all failed in the test were rejected outright..
They in turn, joined together and laid siege on Mithila for a year. and I was struggling hard to withstand the combined onslaught. Then I performed penance and pleased the gods and they granted as boon to me a very strong army to protect us..
On seeing the strenght of such a grand army, the kings who had encircled us with aggressive intent all fled for their lives..
And Oh, Revered Sage, I shall now send for the great Thryambaka Bow, and show it to the two princes Rama and Lakshmana.."
The rest is history..Rama later on lifted the bow with great ease and when he bent it to tie the string.. the bow broke.. And it was marriage time.. Rama and Sita, Urmila and Lakshmana, Mandavai and Bharatha, and Shrutakeerthi and Shatrugna..
( would love to write about that some other time)
k v ananthanarayanan

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