Tuesday, July 04, 2023

musings 144

if anyone is to perform his avowed duties adequately, it is necessary that reasonable expertise should be acquired..
And Income tax concerns itself more about Income..
Income is one of the core nourishers of human existence, and when we go to the roots of human existence, we acquire a lot of data and even knowledge and insights too..
In Incometax.. tax part is just applying some rate to the Income determined ..
That is too simple..Mere arithmetic
We cannot determine anyone's income or even our own income without going deeper and deeper recesses of the minds of the taxpayers. who earn the income.
(Does anyone ever volunteer to disclose his full and correct income?)
That is a great experience..
And when we collect taxes too, we have to bring into play all our mental and physical resources at their best..
So I think if we are trying to do a work with sincerity, we are engaging in a penance of sorts..
Work is worship..
Work is the path to bliss.. provided we look at our work that way..
‘कर्मणैव हि संसिद्धिमास्थिता जनकादयः(भ. गी. ३ । २०) declares Gita
only through detached work (ethics) people like Janaka reached the zenith of their spiritual attainments
and in Chapter 9 of Gita
Yat karoshi yat ashnasi yat juhyoshi dadasi yat I
Yat tapasyasi kaunteya tat kurusva mad arpanam II sloka 27
यत् करोषि यत् अश्नासि यत् जुःयोसि ददासि यत् I
यत् तपस्यसि कौन्तेय तत् कुरुष्व मद् अर्पणम् II श्लोक 27
The Lord Says
You, Son of Kunti, just dedicate to me whatever you do, offer to me whatever you eat, whatever you offer as oblations, whatever you give to others as present, gift or charity,, whatever you do as penance..
Of course when we work for Incometax Department, we do not do it for charity..
We are paid adequately,
we demand more,
we are paid pension too later,
and the service to the Government gives us a status in life too..
So I feel it is not off the mark to say that working for taxation department should also be seen as an avenue for serving others and that way serving God too..
I have always been thinking that way

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