Sunday, July 09, 2023

musings 147

We tend to identify a person as good or bad judging him by some of his actions or attitudes..
We have to consider the fact that a person is much more than his actions alone.
He is a beautiful creation of God. And sure, all his actions cannot be good and all his actions can be bad either.
Moreover, what we consider as good in him may not be good in the view of others and his not so good propensities may look good for others.
What is good this second may not be good after some time
And no person, unless he is mad will do bad just for the heck of it.. In fact he is the product of his surrounding and circumstances.
Even courts pass judgments against persons whose actions are illegal just as a matter of corrective measure.
Even a person sentenced to death is entitle to his own dignity.
And if a person is mad, then he should get our sympathy and not hatred.
Dignity and self respect are too important for anyone. No one should intrude into the area of dignity of any other person
Yes, If we can distinguish between the dignity of the person and the merits of his actions our existence in the world can be much more pleasant..
Tvayi mayi sarvatra eko vishnuH
त्वयि मयि सर्वत्र एको विष्णु
The same God or divinity which we call Vishnu ( or by any other name too) is present in you and me and in all..

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