Sunday, July 09, 2023

We have to learn a lot from a toddler..

We have to learn a lot from a toddler..
He will giggle, smile and kiss others when he is happy.
He will cry his heart out when he is uncomfortable.or indisposed .
He will scream in panic, if he is afraid of something..
He will throw away things, however valuable they are, if those irritate him.
He will spit out even if he is fed the best food when he is not hungry.
He never cares about what people around will think about it..
For he can do only what he thinks is right according to his simple and innocent views of the things outside him.
No make ups, no hair dyes, no management lies, no jeevatma paramatma discussion for him
But we, the grown ups are past masters in erasing such innocence very quickly and decisively
Things would be better if they are permitted to be left as they are without our meddling..
(of course, there is no gender bias.. the toddler is the same whether it is he or she)

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