Sunday, July 23, 2023

what a coincidence ....?

what a coincidence ....?
यथा दृष्टिः शरीरस्य नित्यमेव प्रवर्तते।
तथा नरेन्द्रो राष्ट्रस्य प्रभवः सत्यधर्मयोः॥३३
श्रीमद्वाल्मीकिरामायणे अयोध्याकाण्डे सर्गः ६७
yathā dṛṣṭiḥ śarīrasya nityameva pravartate |
tathā narendro rāṣṭrasya prabhavaḥ satyadharmayoḥ||33
śrīmadvālmīkirāmāyaṇe ayodhyākāṇḍe sargaḥ 67
Just as the eyes work efficiently for ever for the safety and welfare of the body, NARENDRA the king is the keeper and THE fountainhead of truth and virtue of the Country..
This was recorded in Valmikiramayanama hundreds of years ago..
Perhaps the importance of a just king who fucntions as the eye for the Nation itself is described here..
But strangely, or was it just a coincidence,
we have a Narendra at the helm of our nation today..
and sure, he represents the truth and virtue of the nation..

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