Monday, August 28, 2023

न वदन्ति गुणोन्नताः

दुःखावमानदीनं वा न वदन्ति गुणोन्नताः॥
duḥkhāvamānadīnaṁ vā na vadanti guṇonnatāḥ||
A quote from poet and scholar Kshemendra
People who are of noble conduct never attempt to enter into conversation with
a person who is conceited.. that is thinks too much of himself
a person who is not responsive to normal conversation
a person who has fallen from a state of propriety
a person who would respond only with nasty retorts and unpleasant things
a person who is excessively bowed down and depressed by incidence of sorrow or insult
In short, dialogue can be effective only with a person who would sensibly respond and keep his manners..
Perhaps social media is an exception..
k v ananthanarayanan

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