Monday, August 28, 2023

Prioritize.. or stagnate

Prioritize.. or stagnate
कार्यबहुत्वे बहुतरमायतिकं कुर्यात्॥
चाणाक्यसूत्रं २२७
kāryabahutve bahutaramāyatikaṁ kuryāt||
cāṇākyasūtraṁ 227
When there are many pending actions, one should try to perform the task which is the most important and which is of greater utility for many people..
This is an advice from Chanakya, in his monumental treatise the Chanakyasootra..
Looks so simple and the reader may say, it is so elementary..
and we may think we follow this dictum almost universally..
But it is really not so.. We dither, we procrastinate.
Life is complex.. We are exposed to so many tasks..
Our tendency would be to work on easy tasks on hand ..
But sure, there will be more difficult and complex tasks too and tackling them alone would carry our lives ahead..
So, whether we like it or not we will have to prioritise and finish off complex tasks too....
There are no easy ways out all the time..
The only way to exist and thrive is to enter the field and work.. And work really hard at that..

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