Thursday, August 03, 2023

साधोः प्रकोपितस्यापि मनो नायाति विक्रियाम्।

साधोः प्रकोपितस्यापि मनो नायाति विक्रियाम्।
न हि तापयितुं शक्यं सागराम्भस्तृणोल्कया॥
सुभाषितशतके ३-४२
sādhoḥ prakopitasyāpi mano nāyāti vikriyām|
na hi tāpayituṁ śakyaṁ sāgarāmbhastṛṇolkayā||
subhāṣitaśatake 3-42
A great but simple statement in the form of a subhashitam..
The mind of a person with balanced and noble disposition would not become aggressive and violent even if provoked..
it is not possible to heat the waters of the ocean by throwing on it huge bundles of burning straw..
It is exactly for this reason that the entire art and science of yoga is deviced for control and channelization of the activities of the mind..
A person, who can get excited.. and invariably we all belong to that category, may not retain his docile nature and objectivity while he is in that state of excitement..
He may even regret for many actions he perpetrated in that state.. but most actions in life are just irreversible..
Most of the ime , We get only one chance.. one occasion..

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