Thursday, August 03, 2023

The descent of Ganga...


The descent of Ganga...
continued from the post on the saga of toil of Bhagiratha..
How Ganga came to earth is described below in Valmikis words themselves..
as the story unwinds itself in Sargam 43 of Balakandam of Srimad valmikiramayanam..
Visvamitra tells Rama.
Rama, When Lord Brahma left ( after informing Bhagiratha about the necessity to Bring Ganga to earth, and to seek the help of Lord Shankara to receive her in full strength ) he performed penance day and night for so a year, standing himself erect and immobile like a pillar with his right toe alone fixed firmly on earth and with his arms thrown up and just breathing but not having any food.
As Bhagiratha continued with his steadfast austerity for a year, Shankara, the Lord of Uma and the protector of all living beings, the lord who is ever prostrated with great respect by the whole world, became visible himself before the king and told him.
“ I am pleased with you, O best among human beings, I shall do what you want.. I shall receive and hold the torrential flow of that daughter of mountain and hold her on my head.”
Then the elder daughter of Himavan (Ganga) who is worshipped by the whole world manifested herself in her terrible torrential and huge form and rushed down in great speed.
Ganga landed up from the sky on the sacred head of Lord Shiva. She was proud that she is so strong that no one could withstand her torrential descent and thought that she would forcibly push Lord Shivao the Netherworlds of Pathalam along with her as she rushed along.
Lord Shiva was terribly angry when she guessed her intentions and decided that he would make Her vanish once for all.
The huge river with her numerous torrential currents fell on the matted locks of Lord Shiva.. The waters entered Shivas matted hair which looked like a huge cave in the Himalya mountain.
Once the River Ganga entered the huge maze that was the hair of Shankara, she could not find her way out.. She was dazed and the currents and rivultes were just going round and round inside the hair lock, finding no way to flow out.
River Ganga just circulated inside the Lords hair for years and years.. Meanwhile, Bhagiratha was waiting for the river to come out and to start flowing down upto where his grandfathers lie as a heap of ashes. So the king once again started penance and prayers to the Lord of Lords Shankara.
Being pleased with the fervent prayers of Bhagiratha, the Lord allowed Ganga to flow out of His locks into a lake in the valley of Himalayas. This lake is called Bindu Saras.
As Haimavati Ganga flowed out of the Lords matted hair, she manifested Herself as seven distinct streams.
Three rivers full of clean and sacred waters, rushed in the eastern direction. They were named Hlaadinee, Paavinee and Nalinee
Three rivers with equally sacred waters flowed in the western direction.. They bore the names Suchakshu, Seethaa and Sindhu the large river.
The seventh stream rushing out of the Lords hair flowed in the direction indicated by Bhageeratha.. Bhageeratha seated himself in a beautiful divine chariot and led her the diretion along the plains ( towards Rasatalam where the bones and ashes of his elders were bleaching in the sun)
The resplendant noble king Bhagiratha led the way and Gangaa followed him.
It was the Ganga who has fallen on the head of Lord Shankara while descending from Heaven . The rushing waters made roaring sounds.
Along with the abundant pure and holy waters, lots and lots fish, tortoises, crocodicle and other creatures also descended , floated and added vividness to the sky and earth too.
The devas, rishis, gandharvas, sidhaas, all in happy groups assembled all around to watch the great descend of Ganga.
They presented themselves in aircrafts each as huge a cities, seated on the best elephants and horses and they were seen occupying all available materials and contrivances floating around.
The celestial beings had all assembled to witness the glorious and unique occasion of birth of Ganga on earth. The shine of the ornament of those Divine beings made the sky shine as if thousand suns had risen on it especially when it had been cleared off of all the dark clouds.
The crocodiles, fish, reptiles, snakes and and other water creatures descended with their quick, shiny and writhing motion and light reflecting from them gave the impression that there were bouts of lightning in the sky without any sign of clouds or rain.
Masses of clear water floated all over the sky and beautiul spans swam in them and they looked like the white and shiny clouds unique to the autum (Sharat )seaon.
Some masses of water flow very fast.. Others flow slowly. Some occupy very wide area.. Some streams distributed all over.. Some streams are rushing while some others are moving around at a slow pace.
Masses of water collide with similar masses.. Many streams are thrown up to air, and many streams after mushrooming up just happily flow downn to earth in happy cascades and showers.
Ganga, who descended from the holy feet of Vishnu and carried in her the floating full moon in the firmament, desended on the holy matted locks of Shankara and from there is reaching the surface of earth after embracing the sacred body of Siva..
Union with those hallowed and sacred personages had rendered the waters of Ganga so clear and pure.
The Gods, Sages and Gandharvas and the occupants of this earth too, realized that the waters of Ganga which had touched the body of Lord Shiva Himself were holy beyond description, and they just touched such waters with reverence.
Many beings of heaven who had fallen from heaven to earth suffering curses, washed themelves in the waters of Ganga cascading down and their sins were washe off and they started travelling back to their high positions.
The waters had erased their sins for ever and the very touch of the holy waters had renedered their bodies shining gloriously.
The entire world took bath in the waters of Ganga.. the waters of Ganga, holy, filled with love and glory along with clean water too, and the sins and malaies of all were washed off for ever.
Riding on a beautiful chariot King Bhagiratha led the way, and like an obedient daughter, Ganga followed him closely.
The gods, the sages, the asuras, demons and rakshasaas, kinaras, gandharvas, yakshaas, and nagaas, all in large clusters, followed the king and the lovely river.
All the celestial nymphs in their heavenly beauty and renown followed the comely maiden Ganga who followed Bhagiratha.. Myriad acquatic creatures too floated along..
The greatest among stream, Ganga, just flowed along everywhere that Bhagiratha went, and wherever she went, she destroyed the sins of all beings who occupied her path.
While meandering around in great abandon, Ganga entered the hallowed sacrificial land of the great Sage Jahnu, and flooded and submerged the area with her abundant waters.
The Sage was disturbed and got angry at Her intrusion. He simply drank all her waters.
The Gods, Sages and Gandharvas were simply stunned to see the whole Ganga being swallowed by Sage Jahnu.. They all worshipped and pacified the revered sage. The told him..” Great Sage, we were leading this Ganga to the earth with great difficulty.. We entrust Her to you as she is your own daughter..”
The sage was pleased.. He allowed Ganga to flow out of his right ear. From then onwards, the daughter of Sage Jahnu, Ganga is called Jaahanavee..
The Ganga flowed down accompanying Bhagiratha, and entered the ocean created by his grandfathers.. Saagaram..
Finally Ganga entered Rasathalam to bring befitting culmination to the glorious deeds of Bhagiratha..
Bhagiratha led Ganga to the place where his grandfather lie as mere bones and ashes.. Ganga deluged them with her cooling, holy, comforting waters, and they ascended to their hallowed places in heaven, being relieved of all their sins.
Rama, thus Bhagirtha, your Grandsire, created miracle..
देवदेवे गते तस्मिन् सोऽङ्गुष्ठाग्रनिपीडिताम्।
कृत्वा वसुमतीं राम संवत्सरमुपासत॥१
ऊर्द्ध्वबाहुर्निरालंबो वायुभक्षो निराश्रयः।
अचलः स्थाणुवत् स्थित्वा रात्रिन्दिवमतन्द्रितः॥२
अथ संवत्सरे पूर्णे सर्वलोकनमस्कृतः।
उमापतिः पशुपती राजानमिदमब्रवीत्॥३
प्रीतस्तेऽहं नरश्रेष्ठ करिष्यामि तव प्रियं।
शिरसा धारयिष्यामि शैलराजसुतामहम्॥४
ततो हैमवती ज्येष्ठा सर्वलोकनमस्कृता।
तदा सा तु महद्रूपं कृत्वा वेगं च दुःसहम्।
आकाशादपतद् गङ्गा शिवे शिवशिरस्युतः॥५
अचिन्तयच्च सा देवी गङ्गा परमदुर्द्धरा।
विशाम्यहं हि पाताळं स्रोतसा गृह्य शङ्करम्।६
तस्यावलेपनम् ज्ञात्वा क्रुद्धस्तु भगवान् हरः।
तिरोभावयितुं बुद्धिं चक्रे त्रिणयनस्तदा॥७
सा तस्मिन् पतिता पुण्या पुण्ये रुद्रस्य मूर्द्धनि।
हिमवत् प्रतिमे राम जटामण्डलगह्वरे॥८
सा कथञ्चिन्महीं गन्तुं नाशक्नोद्यत्नमास्थिता।
नैव सा निर्गमं लेभे जटामण्डलमोहिता॥९
तत्रैवाबभ्रमद्देवी संवत्सरगणान् बहून्।
तामपश्यन् पुनस्तत्र तपः परममास्थितः॥१०
स तेन तोषितश्चासीदत्यर्थं रघुनन्दन।
विससर्ज्ज ततो गङ्गां हरो बिन्दुसरः प्रति॥११
तस्यां विसृज्यमानायां सप्त स्रोतांसि जज्ञिरे॥१२
ह्लादिनी पावनी चैव नळिनी च तथाऽपरा।
तिस्रः प्राचीं दिशं जग्मुर्गङ्गाशिवजलाः शुभाः॥१३
सुचक्षुश्चैव सीता च सिन्धुश्चैव महानदी।
तिस्रष्त्वेता दिशं जग्मुः प्रतीचीं तो शुभोदकाः॥१४
सप्तमी चान्वगात् तासां भगीरथमहो नृपम्।१५
भगीरथोऽपि राजर्षिर्द्दिव्यं स्यन्दनमास्थितः।
प्रायादग्रे महातेजा गङ्गा तं चाप्यनुव्रजत्॥१६
गगनाच्छङ्करशिरस्ततो धरणिमास्थिता।
व्यसर्पत जलं तत्र तीव्रशब्दपुरस्कृतम्॥१७
मत्स्यकच्छपसंखैर्श्च शिंशुमारगणैस्तथा।
पतद्भिः पतितैश्चान्यैर्व्यरोचत वसुन्धरा॥१८
ततो देवर्षिगन्धर्वा यक्षसिद्धगणास्तथा।
व्यलोकयन्त ताम् तत्र गगनाद् गां गतां तद॥१९
पारिप्लवगतैश्चापि देवतास्तत्र विष्ठिताः॥२०
तदद्भुततमं लोके गङ्गापतनमुत्तमम्।
दिदृक्षवो देवगणाः समेयुरमितौजसः॥२१
सम्पतद्भिः सुरगणैस्तेषां चाभरणौजसा।
शतादित्यमिवाभाति गगनं गततोयदम्॥२२
शिंशुमारोरगगणैर्मीनैरपि च चञ्चलैः।
विद्युद्भिरिव नक्षत्रैराकाशमभवत् तदा॥२३
पाण्डुरैः सलिलोत्पीडैः कीर्यमाणैः समन्ततः।
शारदाभ्रैरिवाकीर्णं गगनं हंससंप्लवैः॥२४
क्वचिद्रुततरं याति कुटिलं क्वचिदायतम्।
विततं क्वचिदुद्धूतं क्वचिद्याति शनैः शनैः॥२५
सलिलेनैव सलिलं क्वचिदभ्याहतं पुनः।
मुहुरूर्द्द्वपथं गत्वा पपात वसुधां पुनः॥२६
विष्णुपादात् परिभ्रष्टं प्लावयित्वेन्दुमण्डलम्।
तच्छङ्करशिरोभ्रष्टं भ्रष्टं भूमितले पुनः।
व्यरोचत तदा तोयं निर्मलं गतकल्मषम्॥२७
तत्र देवर्षिगन्धर्वाः वसुधातलवासिनः।
भवाङ्गपतितं तोयं पवित्रमिति पस्प्रशुः॥२८
शापात् प्रपतिता ये च गगनाद्वसुधातलम्।
कृत्वा तत्राभिषेकं ते भभूवुर्गतकल्मषाः॥२९
धूतपापाः पुनस्तेन तोयेनाथ सुभास्वता।
पुनराकाशमाविश्य स्वान् लोकान् प्रतिपेदिरे॥३०
मुमुदे मुदितो लोकस्तेन तोयेन भास्वता।
कृताभिषेको गङ्गायां बभूव विगतक्लमः॥३१
भगीरथोऽपि राजर्षिद्दिव्यं स्यन्दनमास्थितः।
प्रायादग्रे महातेजास्तं गङ्गा पृष्ठतोऽन्वगात्॥३२
देवाः सर्षिगणाः सर्वे दैत्यदानवराक्षसाः।
गन्धर्वयक्षप्रवराः सकिन्नरमहोरगाः॥३३
सर्वाश्चाप्सरसो राम भगीरथरथानुगाः।
गङ्गामन्वगमन् प्रीताः सर्वे जलचराश्च ये॥३४
यतो भगीरथो राजा ततो गङ्गा यशस्विनी।
जगाम सरितां श्रेष्ठा सर्वपापप्रणाशिनी॥३५
ततो हि यजमानस्य जह्नोरद्भुतकर्मणः।
गङ्गा संप्लावयामास यज्ञवाटं महात्मनः॥३६
तस्यावलेपनं ज्ञात्वा क्रुद्धो जह्नुश्च राघव।
अपिबच्च जलं सर्वं गङ्गायाः परमद्भुतं॥३७
ततो देवाः सगन्धर्वाः ऋषयश्च सुविस्मिताः।
पूजयन्ति महात्मानं जह्नुं पुरुषसत्तमं।
गङ्गां चापि नयन्ति स्म दुहितृत्वे महात्मनः॥३८
ततस्तुष्टो महातेजाः श्रोत्राभ्यमसृजत् पुनः॥३९
तस्मात् जह्नुसुता गङ्गा प्रोच्यते जाह्नवीति च॥४०
जगाम च पुनर्गङ्गा भगीरथरथानुगा।
विवेश सागरं चापि सा सरित् प्रवरा तदा।
रसातलमुपागच्छत् सिद्ध्यर्थं तस्य कर्मणा।४१
भगीरथोऽपि राजर्षिर्गङ्गामादाय यत्नतः।
पितामहान् भस्मकृतानपश्यद्दीनचेतनः॥४२
अथ तद्भस्मनां राशिं गङ्गासलिलमुत्तमं।
प्लावयद्धूतपाप्मानः स्वर्गं प्राप्ता रघूत्तम॥४३
इत्यार्षे रामायणे वाल्मीकीये आदिकाव्ये बालकाण्डे सर्गः ४३

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