Sunday, September 10, 2023

सूर्यं प्रति रजः क्षिप्तं स्वचक्षुषि पतिष्यति

सूर्यं प्रति रजः क्षिप्तं स्वचक्षुषि पतिष्यति।बुधान् प्रति कृतावज्ञा तथा तस्य भविष्यति॥
आभणशतकम् ४२
sūryaṁ prati rajaḥ kṣiptaṁ svacakṣuṣi patiṣyati|
budhān prati kṛtāvajñā tathā tasya bhaviṣyati||
ābhaṇaśatakam 42
It would be good to remember this
If we throw up dust against the shining sun, those dust particles will comedown and fall on our eyes alone and would obliterate our vision and give irritation too..
Just like that if we throw insult at noble and wise people, such slighting will not affect them but would return to us in full measure..
The brilliance of the sun is not going to be affected by any amount of dust thrown at it from the earh..
Similarly, if we throw scandals at great people out of intolerance, jealousy or ignorance, such scandals woul not affect them.. But such activity would definitely make us look silly
( We talk of the dogs barking looking up at the sun..)
It is a fact..
But do we learn our lessons?
k v ananthanarayanan

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