Saturday, September 09, 2023

definition of thought either as positive or negative is subjective

The definition of thought either as positive or negative is subjective.. A positive thought for the Individual may prove to be negative for the society.. So this is only at best the first step.. As shankara said.. from satasanga (company of exalted minds) comes nissanga(lack of excessive desire), nissanga brings in nirmoha(complete absence of attachment ) and nirmoha leads to the nishchala tattwa or steadiness or immobility of mind and from nishchala tattwa come the emancipation or jeevanmukthi..
Some opine that this transformation comes through bhakthi, some say it can come from Gnana, some subscribe to the path of Raja yoga and some are votaries of Karma yoga.. Anyway Yoga goes a step further..
For the realized, thoughtless thought will not fill the space vacated by conscious thought, but the mind can enjoy itself in a thoughtless stage too..
This is Chittavritti nirodha at its peak..
A thought can be positive or negative with reference to one another. There is always a comparison with each other.
But a state of absence of thought.. it cannot yield to any negativity..
This is my food for thought..

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