Monday, September 11, 2023

मूर्खा न द्रष्टव्या द्रष्टव्याश्चेत् न तैस्तु सह तिष्ठेत्

मूर्खा न द्रष्टव्या द्रष्टव्याश्चेत् न तैस्तु सह तिष्ठेत्।
यदितिष्ठेन्न कथयेद्यदि कथयेन्मूर्खवत्कथयेत्॥
सुभाषितमञ्जरी ८-२२९
mūrkhā na draṣṭavyā draṣṭavyāścet na taistu saha tiṣṭhet|
yaditiṣṭhenna kathayedyadi kathayenmūrkhavatkathayet||
subhāṣitamañjarī 8-229
another very sane advice found in Subhashita manjari
It would do good to us if we avoid meeting people who are adamant and idiotic
If such meeting cannot be avoided, it would be better not to remain standing in their company
If one is forced to stand in the company of an idiotic and admant person, conversation with him should be avoided
And if one lands up in a situation where the conversation with an idiot cannot be avoided, then that conversation should be kept at the level befitting such an idiot.
The poet has foreseen every situation..
It is best not to meet with an idiot.. but in the open world it is very difficult.. because we encounter such persons dime a doze.
Again the next filter.. Even if an idiot comes near us, we can avoid remaining in his company for any considerable time.
Of course if we are forced to be in that esteemed company for some time, then a conversation with that fellow can be avoided..
And if we are compelled by circumstances to exchange a few words with such a great personage, it is always better to remember the level of listener and use our mind and words accordingly..
A good lesson for all times.. and especially in the "free for all" social media..
k v ananthanarayanan

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