Monday, September 11, 2023

do not try to swallow a mountain

It is, is it (?) best for anyone to restrict his field of study to some little part of his existence representing a small scoop from the huge mountain of materials piled up before him..
But the choice is not easy.. When one starts to observe and study, many references, many indicators of earlier studies come to surface, and one is tempted to be held up in study of nuances..
This happens with every true lover of art and literature..
A singer may be held up by one ragam.. and he may linger around it without having the heart to proceed further... without getting the best out of the small things..
Of course, deep study and penance over some particular aspect leads to birth of beauty beyond imagination.. but then the world is too huge, the fields are too wide, and one may get buried for ever if he lingers around some small area...
No one can ever be sure whether deep study around and single nucleus with scope to expand in radial lines from there is the right approach
or whether it is right to read, study, and imbibe things in a global manner.. covering more and more ground, rather than staying put on any particular issue..
The dichotomy will continue..
To dither or not to dither.. that too is a dilemma..

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