Thursday, September 07, 2023

मूर्खं छन्दानुरोधेन सज्जनं पुण्यकर्मणा

लुब्धं वशे नयेदर्थैः क्रुद्धं चाञ्जलिकर्मणा।
मूर्खं छन्दानुरोधेन सज्जनं पुण्यकर्मणा॥
सुभाषितशतके १-३९
lubdhaṁ vaśe nayedarthaiḥ kruddhaṁ cāñjalikarmaṇā|
mūrkhaṁ chandānurodhena sajjanaṁ puṇyakarmaṇā||
subhāṣitaśatake 1-39
One can attract various types of people by different means
The stingy fellow would fall for money, be it gift, bribe or anything
The angry man would cool downbook of a if we just become submissive and approach him with folded hands
The arrogant, deceited and idiotic person can be brought into good books by just giving an impression to him that we are obeying and following his whims in utter obedience
The good and the noble will make beelines to us if our deeds are virtuous and praiseworthy..
Again a great lifestyle lesson in a nutshell.. covering most of the management and lifestyle lessons that could be seen in any
text or curriculum of any age..
k v ananthanarayanan

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