Thursday, September 07, 2023

दृश्यं करगतं रत्नं दारुणं फणीमूर्धनि॥

शास्त्रेषु दुर्ग्रहोप्यर्थः स्वदते कविसूक्तिषु।
दृश्यं करगतं रत्नं दारुणं फणीमूर्धनि॥
सभारञ्जन शतके १४
śāstreṣu durgrahopyarthaḥ svadate kavisūktiṣu|
dṛśyaṁ karagataṁ ratnaṁ dāruṇaṁ phaṇīmūrdhani||
sabhārañjana śatake 14
Another very wise observation found in the anthology of Subhashitam.. called Sabhaaranjan Shatakam..
The meaning and sense of many subjects, would be impossible to be understood by people if they are just formally taught as Shastras ( as techinical subjects)
But when great poets explain the same subjects in their lucid and yet beautiful style, the ideas become clear to the reader.
The gems like Manikyam are found in the hood of a cruel snake.. When they are found there, they evoke only terror in us.
But the same gem, when extracted from the venomous creatures and are placed in our hands, we see them and enjoy their beauty and shine..
The function of a poet is to present things in such a way that the reader understands what is conveyed, and at the same time the readers mind and spirit are held captive by the words, cadence and music of the creation..
Was reading a book and copying the slokam to my journal.. Found it too beautiful so that I could not help sharing.

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