Saturday, September 09, 2023

शास्त्रं सुचिन्तितमथो परिचिन्तनीयमाराधितोस्ऽपि नृपति परिसेवनीयः।

शास्त्रं सुचिन्तितमथो परिचिन्तनीयमाराधितोस्ऽपि नृपति परिसेवनीयः।
अङ्के धृतापि तरुणी परिरक्षणीया शास्त्रे नृपे च युवतौ च कुतो वशित्वम्॥ ४२
śāstraṁ sucintitamatho paricintanīyamārādhitos'pi nṛpati parisevanīyaḥ|
aṅke dhṛtāpi taruṇī parirakṣaṇīyā śāstre nṛpe ca yuvatau ca kuto vaśitvam|| 42
A quote from Samayochitapadyamalika.. a very popular compilaton of wise sayings..
We should not take things for granted.. Even when we feel very sure and secure and safe about the presence and utilitiy of certain things, many such things would be of use when we continue to be very alert and caring in matters concerning them..
Even if we have studied science throughly and threadbare, and we have applied a lot of thought on the subject, we have to think and learn continously..
Even if we are very loyal and utterly subservient to our king or the State, we have to renew our resolve and serve the king or state every day with visible enthusiam.
And if a girl loves me and she occupies my lap all the time, still I have to watch her.. Her attention can stray.. Others may cast their eyes on her and ever snatch her away forcibly. Whatever it may be, even the most devoted love can be lost, unless we watch and care and guard our love evey moment..
There is no chance of permanent attraction and comfortable possession of the knowledge of Science, the fovours of the King or the love of a woman..
These can be lost at any moment.. if one relaxes his vigil..
k v ananthanarayanan

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