Friday, September 08, 2023

there can be dynamic quiet, static quiet and absolute or dead quiet too..

there can be dynamic quiet, static quiet and absolute or dead quiet too..
By usual means like meditation we reach a state of quietness for some few seconds, and we would be pushed back to the mundane and ordinary thoughts almost immediately, just like a stone or something attached to an elastic string when suddenly stretched can hit a target and remain there for few seconds and then return back to the original state..
The static quiet is where we reach the quietness but we are in some vague way conscious of our original state and could return to normalcy after some time with our own control..
This is like a ball attached to the far end of a sting and just placed on a target with the other end held by our fingers.. The ball will return to the original state once we pull the string towards us or away from the target..
The dead quiet can come only when we are dead.. Like just throwing a stone away once for all..
The second state is what we find in yogis.. the Samadhi etc..
But there is always a risk that one may use the hold,, and if he remains in that state of Samadhi for infinite time period it may almost mean death for the physical body..
Some can, it is believed attain even end of life this way.. what we allude as leaving the body by yoga agni etc,,
what Sati the Dakshayani did..
But then what I have dealt with as three stages might be classified by seers and teachers into many more sub groups..
However whatever may be the quiet we attain other than when we lose complete control are only relative.. they cannot be absolute..

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