Saturday, September 02, 2023

Prayer to Mother Lakshmi on conclusion of reciting the Vedic Hymn Shree Sooktham..

Prayer to Mother Lakshmi on conclusion of reciting the Vedic Hymn Shree Sooktham..
अश्वदायि गोदायि धनदायि महाधने।
धनं मे जुषतां देवि सर्वकामांस्च देहि मे॥
पुत्रपौत्रधनं धान्यं हस्त्यश्वाश्वतरीरथम्।
प्रजानां भवसि माता आयुष्मन्तं करोतु मे॥
धनमग्निर्धनं वायुः धनं सूर्यो धनं वसुः।
धनमिन्द्रो बृहस्पतिः वरुणो धनमश्विना॥
वैनतेय सोमं पिब सोमं पिभतु वृत्रहाः।
सोमं धनस्य सोमिनो मह्यम् दधातु सोमिनः॥
न क्रोधो न च मात्सर्यम् न लोभो नाशुभामतिः
भवन्ति कृतपुण्यानां भक्त्य श्रीसूक्तजापिनाम्॥
aśvadāyi godāyi dhanadhāyi mahādhane |
dhanaṁ me juṣatāṁ devi sarvakāmāṁsca dehi me||
putrapautradhanaṁ dhānyaṁ hastyaśvāśvatarīratham|
prajānāṁ bhavasi mātā āyuṣmantaṁ karotu me||
dhanamagnirdhanaṁ vāyuḥ dhanaṁ sūryo dhanaṁ vasuḥ|
dhanamindro bṛhaspatiḥ varuṇo dhanamaśvinā||
vainateya somaṁ piba somaṁ pibhatu vṛtrahāḥ|
somaṁ dhanasya somino mahyam dadhātu sominaḥ||
na krodho na ca mātsaryam na lobho nāśubhāmatiḥ
bhavanti kṛtapuṇyānāṁ bhaktya śrīsūktajāpinām||
Mother Lakshmi, you are the provider of Horses, Cows, and wealth of all kinds.. You are the source of all wealth.. May Your Divine Grace be pleased to bless me with great wealth.
Mother, may your Divine Grace be pleased bless me with sons, grandchildren, wealth, crop of grains, elephants, horses, and chariots driven by horse. Laksmi, you are the mother of all of us your subjects, you grant me long life.
Mother Shree, it is by your sweet Divine Grace that the God of Fire is wealthy , the God of wind is wealthy, the Sun is wealthy, the preceptor of Gods Brihaspati is wealthy, the God of Seas Varuna is wealth, and the twin gods of health Ashvins too are wealthy..
( Here wealth should also mean the respective capacities of the Gods by which they are famous..)
You Garuda, the son of Vinata.. partake in the Soma Juices
You the Slayer of Vritrasure, Indra, partake in Soma juices.
And pleased with the Soma juices, may you provide me, who is desirous of performing Soma Sacrifice, with wealth.. by the Grace of that Divine being Laksmi born with Soma the moon Himself..
( It is famous that Laksmi arose out of the Milky ocean along with Soma,, the herb and Soma the moon too.)
Those fortunate people who recite Shree Sooktham with devotion will never be afflited with anger, nor with sense of unhealthy competition, not with pettiness, and not with bad thoughts and tendencies of the mnd.

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