Friday, November 17, 2023

कृच्छ्रेऽपि न चलत्वये धीराणां निश्चलं मनः॥

चलन्ति गिरयः कामं युगान्तपवनाहताः।
कृच्छ्रेऽपि न चलत्वये धीराणां निश्चलं मनः॥

calanti girayaḥ kāmaṁ yugāntapavanāhatāḥ| 
kṛcchre'pi na caltyeva dhīrāṇāṁ niścalaṁ manaḥ||

When the time of deluge arrives even the solid mountains tremble and sway pushed by the torrential wind. However even on the face of the gravest calamity, the minds of bold and steadfast persons would remain unmoved and unaffected.

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