Friday, November 17, 2023

क्रोधवन्तं मदोन्मत्तं नमस्कारेऽपि वर्जयेत्

दूरस्थं जलमध्यस्थं धावन्तं धनगर्वितम्।
क्रोधवन्तं मदोन्मत्तं नमस्कारेऽपि वर्जयेत्॥
dūrasthaṁ jalamadhyasthaṁ dhāvantaṁ dhanagarvitam|
krodhavantaṁ madonmattaṁ namaskāre'pi varjayet||
Even paying Pranams to the following types of people should be avoided
1.One who is separated by distanace and by mind too
2. One who is navigating in water
3.One who is fleeing from some danger
4. One who is overly arrogant about his own wealth and affluence
5. One who is given to excessive anger
6. One who is inebriaated

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