Wednesday, November 22, 2023

musings 174

It is dangerous to leave everything to the men in Black Gowns and wigs to decide;. The function of Courts is just to interpret the laws and practices .. the laws being made by popular will through precedents or through legislative process...
If the courts are given any function or power beyond interpretation , they will become the next set of dictators...
Can a learned Judge decide whether I should eat curd rice or not.. for example..? Or should the court give a direction on how I should breathe.?
People have even lost their ideas as to what all liberties and choices they should leave to the State or its constituents to decide.
The state and its limbs just have to be satisfied with what the Individual or a group of Individuals permit them to control in the interest of maximum benefit to all ..
When I see from some views that people are thinking that they are just living or should live on the basis of the whims and fancies of the Government or courts.. implying that the Individual is helpless and powerless, I feel heartbroken seeing the lack of sense of self worth on the part of the common people..
That sign is ominous.. If the Individual does not know what are his rights, and what alone the State or court can do,
he and the society are doomed.

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