Monday, November 27, 2023

musings 178

When we read a subhashitam or a great quote, we tend to agree with the contents heartily or at least pretend to do so and mark approvals in glowing terms..
But it will be good for all to remeber that most quotes and subhashitams are crafted to suit some specific situations and specific set of people although this may not be apparent from such quotes..
For a man in distress, if he has some physical strength, it is nice and ideal to fight t and win..
But will the same idea apply to a terminally ill person? Only palliative care will work there..
We cannot exhort a doddery old person to go fighting in Kargil or Kupwara
So we can just understand the spirit of a great saying and shuld try to emulate it at the proper situation and in the appropriate context..
Just because they say god is everywhere and even in stones, we cannot retain with reverence the stones in our rice, or in our kidney or gall bladder
Many people are simply immature in thought and action..
They go by slogans.. or slokams.
Realities of life are often lost on them.
Leaders of masses and politicians in general, spiritual leaders, actors in stage and celluloid all cash in on this immaturity of approach on our part..
No two situations can be same..
And usually solutions are to be found on the basis of specific situations..
So adages and quotes are nice but we should take them only with some pinches of salt..

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