Monday, November 27, 2023

musings 179

Rama's minister Jabaali advised him that Rama should earn a lot of money because finances were the basis of existence of the whole world.. and he said that there was hardly any difference between a penniless person and a dead person
Shankara said that relatives and friends would throng around a person only so long as he is able to earn money.. Once the capacity to earn ceases the person has to remain in a remote corner of his house and even the close family members would not deem it fit to talk to him
Shankara put it in a negative way.. He was not interested in acquiring any material wealth.. he is a recluse and it suits him fine..
But the advice by Jaabaaali, a votary of materialism to the would-be ruler of a kingdom,, is just practical wisdom..
For a king, who is to provide for the needs of his subjects and protect them too, poverty cannot be a strong point, definitely not a quality he could boast about.... Without money, he cannot maintain peace and order in his area..
In fact even to pretend as a beggar, one should have a good bank balance.. The make up materials can cost a fortune..
Anyway neither Shankara, nor Jabali were just lip sympathizers to their causes.. Both really believed in what they said..
But we of the present generation, would pretend that we are poor and that we are holy, holier than all others, fully knowing that we are deceiving ourselves and others too..
This is an era of double standards, no, multiple standards..

There is a slokam that is supposed to convey
the advice given by one of the learned ministers (Jabali(?))to Rama some say it is Jabaali, some say it is Vasishta himself.. this sloka is seen
quoted in Subhashitabhandagaram)
धनमार्जय काकुत्स्थ धनमूलमिदं जगत्।
अन्तरं नैव पश्यामि निर्धनस्य मृतस्य च॥
dhanamaarjaya kaakutstha dhanamoolamidam jagat
antaram naiva pashyaami nirdhanasya mruthasya cha
काकुत्स्थ Rama the scion of Kakutsa (त्वं you ) धनं money आर्जय earn .. इदं जगत् this world धनमूलम वर्तते is rooted in money ..( अहं ) निर्धनस्य penniless indigent person मृतस्य dead person (च मध्ये ) in between अन्तरं difference न एव not ever पशायामि. am seeing..
My dear Kaakutsa, the Rama, You must consolidate your finances, earn more money,,, the world has its roots and existence only in wealth.. I do not see much difference between a man without money and a man who is dead..
( I have heard it as being quoted from Ramayanam.. but I have not verified.. it may be in some Paadabhedam or even a prakshitptam... but the philosophy is very straightforward and articulate.. and pragmatic too)

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