Wednesday, November 15, 2023

musings 161

Every day we offer prayers, pooja, naivedyam namaskarams to God..
After the offering of love and respects to God the only desire that is very deep in mind is the prayer that
another day,
another opportunity may be given
to repeat the prayers..
more prayers, more flowers, more naivedyam, more stotram, more lamps, more garland to the God..
We never get bored of repetition..
I think for most of us God is also something more that a sort of witness, a protector..
He is just a part of us and at the same time we can feel His presence outside us too..
Peripherally it might seem that we are just praying to God to get things done, to turn things in our favour, fairly or unfairly..
But that relationship is only on surface..
Attachment to the Divine just takes deep root in us gradually and even without our knowing we develop a bond with God which is not based on any sort of expectation, quid pro quo..
This root is entrenched very deep in everyone of us..
But sometimes we forget it..
But sooner or later, since the root is strong, new trunk, branches flowers and fruits will grow.. Sure..
Is there any meaning to life if there is no God?
I am sure nothing in life is there if no God is with us to share it..

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