Friday, November 17, 2023

musings 163

Some people just manage to conceal their weak points and black intentions and manage to build up clean images and often get away with such attempts for very substantial periods of time.
And often many leaders in society actully indulge in such deception..
During a discussion on the issue my frank views on the question of image building were given..Just repeating for my own timeline..
It all depends on how we view and measure success.. and accomplishment.. in the long run...
We can create smokescreens and even convince a lot of people for some time.. and a life time need not bee too long in comparison to the huge canvas represented by the timeline we are exposed..
In fact all moral rules and social and ethical values, are built upon the basic edifice of honesty and fairness..
If that fundamental rule is given up, then our discussion of ethical life is of little use..
Yes, if a woman or a man is unfaithful to his life partner in secret, they can often try to hide it from each other and even from others too..and their life can appear for all just like honey and milk..
Many public figures, and politicians actually revel in building up such an impeccable public profile.. and in fact, we may be forced to confess that most of the icons we encounter as celebrities have many skeletons in their cupboard..
But Indian philosphohy .. of course I cannot be nothing but and Indian in all aspects of life.. and thoughts were basically planted and nurtured with disarming frankness.. and a spade was always called a spade..
I have always tried to channel my attitude on the basis of such frankness and transparency..
Image building when it is at the cost of honesty is completely out of my reckoning..
I cannot think or write differently..
I am reminded of the quote of the great Galilieo..
And yet it moves" or "Albeit it does move" (Italian: E pur si muove or Eppur si muove [epˈpur si ˈmwɔːve])

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