Wednesday, December 13, 2023

பரமசிவன் கழுத்தில் இருந்து பாம்பு கேட்டது கருடா சவுக்கியமா

जानामि नागेन्द्र तव प्रभावं कण्ठे स्थितो गर्जसि शङ्करस्य।
स्थानं प्रधानं न बलं प्रधानं स्थाने स्थितः कापुरुषोऽपि शुरः॥
jānāmi nāgendra tava prabhāvaṁ kaṇṭhe sthito garjasi śaṅkarasya|
sthānaṁ pradhānaṁ na balaṁ pradhānaṁ sthāne sthitaḥ kāpuruṣo'pi śuraḥ||
The poet looks at the snake slithering around the neck of Lord Shiva and saying this..
Oh best among snakes, you are hissing loudly as you are placed in the neck of that all powerful Lord Shiva the Shankara.. I can easily understand the reason for your self assuredness bordering or arrogance.
It is your location and placement that is more significant and not really your personal strength.. Even a weakling or idiot would look like a very bold and strong warrior when he occupies the proper position and is in the company of the strong..
This is a very obvious fact of life.. We tend to pose as and even tend to believe that we are just strong when we are in a strong place from where we can control things in our favour irrespective of whether we are smart or strong..
The real test will come when we are forced to vacate the position of eminence..
Once the position is gone, only the really great and strong could retain his eminence..
This is very apparent in the cases of retired government servants.. They still think they are smart and learned and talk through their hats.. But no one ever cares.
An equivalent quote in Tamil..
பரமசிவன் கழுத்தில் இருந்து பாம்பு கேட்டது
கருடா சவுக்கியமா
the great poet Kannadasan uses this imagery.
The vulture Garuda is very strong and is an avowed enemy of the snakes.. He would kill any snake he could see. So usually snakes hid themselves to safety when they say Garuda.. But the snake nesling around the neck of Lord Shiva just asks Garuda who is flying up.. "Oh Garuda, How are you.. everthing okay?'
Sensible persons usually know their own inherent worth, and never live or act beyond their means.. But then sensibility is not a common stuff...

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