Wednesday, December 13, 2023

musings 192

Now it is the festival season..
The suave fundraisers especially in religious matters keep some receipt books, e transfer facilities and many gimmicks and give the impression that they account for each paisa received..
But when it comes to expenditure, all the accounts are fudged..
There is no accountability or social audit..
If someone raises a genuine question, the people who are in charge would say that they are doing honorary job and so they cannot be questioned..
What honorary job.. pilfering and group eating?
My conclusion is that life will go on, the country will go on, the sun will raise and set even if these committees do not conduct such gala functions..
Another case of emotional sabotage..
I have seen too many false and nasty faces in temple administration. social organizations and the much touted charitable trusts.. ...
Of course I too make the usual payments as a sort of social cess, just to live on without friction in the society..
What help such society or neighbours or good samaritans render to me is a moot question..
If I am in a serious trouble I will have to fend for myself..

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