Saturday, December 23, 2023

अलुब्दैः सह मित्रत्वं कुर्वाणो नावसीदति

उत्तमैः सह सांगत्यं पण्डितैः सह सत्कथाम्।
अलुब्दैः सह मित्रत्वं कुर्वाणो नावसीदति॥
uttamaiḥ saha sāṁgatyaṁ paṇḍitaiḥ saha satkathām|
alubdaiḥ saha mitratvaṁ kurvāṇo nāvasīdati||
A person will never meet failures and setbacks in life
If he ensures that his constant association and company is with people of lofty character
If he ensures that he earmarks substantial slices of time in life in having effective communication and exchange of ideas with scholars and experts in various subjects
If he ensures that he always chooses as his close friends people who are generous, people who are devoid of pettiness or avariciousness.

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