Saturday, December 23, 2023

quotes on Aditya the Surya

सूर्य आत्मा जगतश्चक्षुषश्च।
ऋग्वेदे १-११५-१
sūrya ātmā jagataścakṣuṣaśca|
ṛgvede 1-115-1
The Sun is the soul of the universe and the eyes with which everything is seen and perceived
नवो नवो भवति जायमानः॥
अथर्वणवेदे ७-८१-२
navo navo bhavati jāyamānaḥ||
atharvaṇavede 7-81-2
The Sun is born every day when he rises and perhaps He gives birth to everything again and again with ever rise
एते वात्पतिवारो यत् सूर्यस्य रश्मयः॥
शतपथ ब्राह्मणे १-१-३-६
ete vāutpativāro yat sūryasya raśmayaḥ||
śatapatha brāhmaṇe 1-1-3-6
These rays of the Sun as they spread purify everything they touch
आनंदमयो ज्ञानमयो विज्ञानमय आदित्यः॥
ānaṁdamayo jñānamayo vijñānamaya ādityaḥ||
Surya the Son of Aditi, is the source and embodiment of bliss, He is the source and embodiment of knowledge, He is the source and embodiment of enlightenment

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