Wednesday, December 27, 2023

दा शब्दोऽपहृतस्तेन गोपीवस्त्रापहारिणा

दासोऽहमिति मे बुद्धिः पूर्वमासीज्जनार्दने।
दा शब्दोऽपहृतस्तेन गोपीवस्त्रापहारिणा॥
dāso'hamiti me buddhiḥ pūrvamāsījjanārdane|
dā śabdo'pahṛtastena gopīvastrāpahāriṇā||
I had convinced myself and was entertaining the thought that I am the servant of that Lord Janaardhana.. अहं दासः इति जनार्द्द्ने मे बुद्धिः आसीत्. However that wretched thief who would not hesitate to steal away the clothes of cowherd girls just manages to steal the letter daa दा from the word daasa दास . Therefore only sa स remains.. that is daasaH aham has become saH aham.. From “I am his Servant”, it has so happened that “ I am Him’
The devotee says that he was acting as the servant of that naughty thief Krishna the Janardhana. However when he got engrossed in the story of that consummate robber of clothes of ladies, that fellow managed to steal away the letter da from the word daasa and therefore the devotee becam one with Janardhana Himself.
Yes, constant devotion does the trick.. we become on with Krishna..

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