Thursday, December 07, 2023

musings 184

Perhaps the only vanity permissible for a human being is to expect some attention at least when words and ideas are shared without any hope or expectation of personal gain..
That is not considered as avariciousness or sin anywhere anywhere in any philosophy or scripture..
. I am not a professional teacher in an academic sense, but during my life I have taught and trained many people on subjects like Science, mathematics, law and taxation .. and I am usually proud of that and of the persons who have sit with me to learn ..
I have never taught anyone for money.. but I have seen those with whom I shared grow far above my level in knowledge and affluence..
The experience in Facebook and groups here is different
No there is something not really right..
Our culture, the culture of Sanskrit is that nothing is taken from any place without properly acknowledging..
We do not pluck even a Thulasi Leaf or an ear of grass without seeking permission of mother earth and thanking her for providing us with things small to big..
We are supposed to apologize to mother earth for placing our feet on her body
समुद्रवसने देवी पर्वतस्तनमन्डले।
विष्णुपत्नी नमस्तुभ्यम् पादस्पर्शम् क्षमस्व मे॥
samudravasane devī parvatastanamanḍale |
viṣṇupatnī namastubhyam pādasparśam kṣamasva me||
My divine mother earth, you have the seas for your clothes and the mountains for your breast.. You are the darling consort of Lord Vishnu... May you be pleased to forgive me when I place my feet on your surface..
I do not know we here are serious about such things..
But as an old timer, I get trapped in some value considerations..
I would never miss to acknowledge a favour, big or small done to me or for me..
If I am not is such a bad condition, I will never fail to respond to any message, and to the best of my capacity I would manage to meet my own commitment
I am not a man who can make gifts of money because I have nothing much that way.. but whatever I know I share,, and when someone ask for some information,
I rummage my mind and all resources I could lay my hands on and try to respond
But most around me do not reciprocate..
That disheartens me..
I have left many groups or become silent for this very reason..

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