Tuesday, December 05, 2023

We are perhaps not free from colonial dependency especially in cultural matters..

Griffith, Jones or Monier Williams or Max Muller have opened up Sanskrit Literature or the language itself to the Western world..
But there were innumerable scholars and commentators in India over centuries who studied, composed in and enriched the language..
The present day academics in Western type Universities even in India go by what is written about Sanskrit by the English Knowing scholars.
The Vyakhyaanams and teekas on Vyaakhyanams and teekas on teekas by meticulous and erudite Indian scholars are not known to even many people who claim doctorates and phds in Sanskrit.
. But it is not the fault of Indian culture of old.
The English works about Sanskrit can be read for a starter..
But there is enough material, actually more than enough to learn from works in Sanskrit and other major Indian languages..
Malayalam, Hindustani, Urdu, Bengali, Maratti, Pali, Telugu, Kannada, Tamil and all other languages in India too contain very valuable material..
I respect the work of western scholars especially Max Muller and Monier Williams and others..
But that is not at the expense of indigenous scholars..
We are perhaps not free from colonial dependency especially in cultural matters..

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