Sunday, January 07, 2024

पुराकृतं कर्म तदेव भुज्यते दुष्कर्म नूनं तपसा च हीयते॥

सुखस्य दुःखस्य न कोऽपि दाता परो ददातीति कुबुद्धिरेषा।
पुराकृतं कर्म तदेव भुज्यते दुष्कर्म नूनं तपसा च हीयते॥
sukhasya duḥkhasya na ko'pi dātā paro dadātīti kubuddhireṣā|
purākṛtaṁ karma tadeva bhujyate duṣkarma nūnaṁ tapasā ca hīyate||
No one else, except ourselves are, or can act as the cause of either comfort and welfare or sorrow and trouble for ourselves. It is the working of our rotten mind that persuades us to think that someone else is either making us happy or is causing detriment to us
The results of the Karma already perpetrated by us are appearing for us as comfort and discomfort now and we have no chance but to accept that.
Of course, the adverse effects arising out of evil deeds can be mitigated through sever penance.

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