Sunday, January 07, 2024

गन्तव्यं नगरशते विज्ञानशतानि वीक्षितव्यानि

गन्तव्यं नगरशते विज्ञानशतानि वीक्षितव्यानि।
नरपतिशतं च सेव्यं स्थानान्तरितानि भाग्यानि॥
gantavyaṁ nagaraśate vijñānaśatāni vīkṣitavyāni|
narapatiśataṁ ca sevyaṁ sthānāntaritāni bhāgyāni||
One must not hesitate to travel and settle in hundreds of towns.
One should venture to see and observe hundreds of avenues for specialized knowledge and ensure to acquire new knowledge wherever and whenever one can
One should choose to serve under many kings, meaning one should travel wide and seek gainful employment under many worthy bosses and enterprenuers
After all, good fortune is waiting for a person who moves on and on and does not stick to some single station.

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