Wednesday, February 14, 2024

लक्ष्मीर्यस्य गृहे स एव भजति प्रायो जगत्पूज्यताम्

तिर्यक्तां भजतु प्रतारयतु वा धर्मक्रियाकोविदं
हन्तु स्वां जननीं पिबत्वपि सुरांशुद्धां वधूमुज्झतु।
वेदान् निन्दतु वा हिनस्तु जनतां किम् वाऽनया चिन्तया
लक्ष्मीर्यस्य गृहे स एव भजति प्रायो जगत्पूज्यताम्॥
tiryaktāṁ bhajatu pratārayatu vā dharmakriyākovidaṁ
hantu svāṁ jananīṁ pibatvapi surāṁśuddhāṁ vadhūmujjhatu|
vedān nindatu vā hinastu janatāṁ kim vā'nayā cintayā
lakṣmīryasya gṛhe sa eva bhajati prāyo jagatpūjyatām||
A straight meaning of this slokam is, Even if one is living the life of an animal without empathy, even if one cheats and causes harm to people doing pious yajnas, even if one kills his own mother, even if one consumes hooch, even if one drives away his devoted wife of purest character, even if he talks insultingly about vedas, or even if he is killing people en masse, if he is having great wealth (Lakshmi) in his house he will be worshipped by one and all in the universe.
However there is an oblique reference to Lord Narayana Here.
He tooks incarnations as Fish, Tortoise, Boar and Lion, which are all just wild animals or similar creatures.
He cheated Mahabali and other great Vedic performers who conducted yajna in the banks of Narmada, in his avatara as Vamana.
As Bhargava Rama or Parashurama, he beheaded his mother Renuka.
As Sankarshana, the Balarama, he was notorious for his drinking habits As Ramachandra of Ayodhya who proceeded to forest to uphold his promise to Dasaratha his father, he had to abandon his own chaste, pure wife Sita.
Incarnated as Buddha he repudiated the contents of Vedas.
And He will incarnate and Kalki and is expected to behead masses of people who deviate from the path of propriety.
Thus, a person with all the terrible qualities and who has perpetrated all those deeds is worshipped as the Supreme Lord Narayana, everywhere.
What is the reason? He is having Lakshmi, as the controller of his own house and his beloved life partner.

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