Saturday, March 23, 2024

a tag becomes a nag too often.

a tag becomes a nag too often..
especially when one is at the receiving end..
From day one in social media
I make my posts but never tag anyone unless it is a response to a specific query from him..
Of course five years ago, when I was compiling the meanings of many Sanskrit Slokas and giving my own commentary ( I thought that was a great work and service and sure my friends thought otherwise) I did have a huge list of email addressed and every morning I would forward my nuggets(?) of wisdom and insight to all the hapless victims..
In fact, out of courtesy, some were even acknowledging once in a while.. and such responses made me more aggressive..
However, in time, I realized how much torture I was administering on my friends and stopped such group emails..
And my friends must have blessed me for such stoppage.
But personally I am not so lucky..I have bags full of tags every day.. and often out of modesty and sense of duty to friends,
I do mark some likes even..
But given a choice I will not permit anyone to tag me to something and post it on my timeline..Usually I hide such posts from my timeline..
Even without any tags, I do visit and read the posts of many of my valuable friends, and I do feel very happy and fulfilled to read many such posts, I mark like, and I do comment on them wherever some comment is called for in my view..
Tagging, funny messages in chat box, untimely calls and invites for chat....
if these are the prices I have to pay for being friends with some people, I would prefer to be blessed by the absence of such friends.
A true friend is one who knows the mind of his friend and definitely not one who adds misery to the lives of others, morning, midday and night..
Yes, I am just getting poetic justice..
I have nagged hundreds of people with my emails five years ago..
I am getting it back in greater quantities..

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