Saturday, March 23, 2024

नाथे श्रीपुरुषोत्तमे त्रिजगतामेकाधिपे चेतसा

नाथे श्रीपुरुषोत्तमे त्रिजगतामेकाधिपे चेतसा
सेव्ये स्वस्य पदस्य दातरि सुरे नारायणे तिष्ठति।
यं कंचित्पुरुषाधमं कतिपयग्रामेशमल्पार्थदं
सेवायै मृगयामहे नरमहो मूढा वराका वयम्॥११
शिल्हणकृते शान्तिशतके
nāthe śrīpuruṣottame trijagatāmekādhipe cetasā
sevye svasya padasya dātari sure nārāyaṇe tiṣṭhati|
yaṁ kaṁcitpuruṣādhamaṁ katipayagrāmeśamalpārthadaṁ
sevāyai mṛgayāmahe naramaho mūḍhā varākā vayam||11
śilhaṇakṛte śāntiśatake
When it is our rightful duty and privilege to do sincere service with single point devotion, to that Sri Purushottama, the best among beings, who is the owner and controller of the three worlds, who is ever eager to grant us his own exalted position, who is Narayana the Divine one who floats in ecstacy in the milky ocean, especially when He is eagerly waiting to embrace us with all affection, are we not idiots and wretched fellows when we are running after some silly fellow of low tastes who is the owner of a few hamlets and who would give us paltry and inadequate wages, in return to hard toil under him?

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