Friday, March 29, 2024

Are ancient dharmasastras relevant today?

Someone says that dharmasastras or ancient texts are very valid as he could infer from the limited understanding of such texts
Such opinions either in support or in dissent should come after deep study and not from peripheral browsing of the voluminous material inherited by us
Sure, the observations can be relevant only if they come after some in depth study.
Confessing that the study is limited and then drawing conclusions on major issues in dharmasastras does not help anyone.
It can only cause prejudice and even bias
First of all it should be understood that the dharmasastras were created or they evolved in a social and cultural background different from what is obtaining at present.
There are many noble and perhaps not so noble ideas espoused by dharmasastras.
It is better to understand that such ideas are often tested with reference to present day social values and priorities without appreciating that the background has changed a lot.
No one need be apologetic about it..
And it is not necessary to justify all the past ideas through laboured interpretations and interpolations.
Time changes everything. We have to accept that
And whatever is good and nice even by the present majority social could be found in dharmasastras could be followed.
The rest can be either set aside or winked at with indulgence.
Of course if the purpose of justifying the old is to stir up nostalgia which can be converted to a vote bank..that is understandable..That is just a political game..

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