Friday, March 29, 2024

Learn from errors, learn through errors

The maturity and growth of a person must be reckoned from the number of
errors in judgement,
errors in thought
errors in action
he committed..
But then there is a rider to this statement..
He must have realized that he had erred at each step,
he must have in turn,
attempted on each occassion to correct himself
and to learn a lesson from such error.
If he is just assuming that with each error committed,
his capacity to commit more is enhanced,
that his experience and efficiency in committing erros to perfection is reinforced,
then his doom too is ensured..
We need not stumble and fall on our path just for the joy of it,
but we are sure to stumble because we cannot start a journey after ensuring that all safeguards have been taken.
However, with each misplaced step if we can get some ideas about the roadblocks and vicissitudes we have to face in the long journey of life,
then that is indeed the best lesson for our lives..
This idea applies to families, groups, societies, communities and nations too..

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