Saturday, March 30, 2024

धनानि ह्याशु नश्यन्ति कीर्तिस्तिष्ठति शाश्वती

धनसञ्चयनाद्राजन् यशः सञ्चयनं वरम्।
 धनानि ह्याशु नश्यन्ति कीर्तिस्तिष्ठति शाश्वती॥
 इन्धिस्चे स्प्रुचे ७५५५ बहुदर्शने

dhanasañcayanādrājan yaśaḥ sañcayanaṁ varam| 
dhanāni hyāśu naśyanti kīrtistiṣṭhati śāśvatī|| 
indhisce spruce 7555 bahudarśane

Compared to the activities in accumulating money at any cost, it is more advisable to ensure that one accumulates his name, fame and goodwill during his active life. The accumulation of money can be shattered in a moment, but the good name earned continues for ever and ever.

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